.:: visual | audio
my gallery @ deviantart [990+ pics]
i tattoo @ bronx freiburg
my tattoos on facebook
watch me draw in timelapse [avi dl]

under the pseudonym freemerge i'm djing d&b & breakcore since 1997.
i really enjoy twisted energetic and euphoric sounds.
some of my mixes can be found here.
the b2b sessions with audhnin are a mix of d&b and dark ambient.
if you'd like to have me playing at one of your parties feel free to contact me :>
freemerge on facebook
some mixes on soundcloud
some mixes on hearthis.at
also part of crach records
.:: news | info
...here are a rare thing o_o
...changed some links and my email...
...added some new mixes!...
thanks to the outside agency in november of 2018 i decided to change the year into 2018!
[the track is "the hard way - total fucking nihilism (the outside agency 2018 remix)]
.:: contact | about
email: jakob.klug.vr1 {at} googlemail.com
facebook: jakob klug

i respawned 1981 with the name jakob klug and live in germany.
i draw a lot and like to share my mind & expressing it and the world with djing and art / graphics and tattooing.